Maklumat Pembekalan Ilmu Induk Raja Khodam



“ Ma’Loemat Pembekalan Ilmu Induk Raja Khodam“

1. Khodam Macan Putih

2. Khodam garuda sakti

3. Khodam Nogososro

Pembekalan ini sifatnya Instan langsung terima jadi sehingga anda tidak perlu puasa , wirid harian, maupun jurus-jurus. Dalam waktu 30 menit Insya’allah Anda akan menguasai sekaligus memanfaatkan potensi untuk:

  •  memiliki tenaga dalam hebat.
  • Keselamatan mutlak lahir bathin.
  • mampu mengobati penyakit medis/non medis bagi diri dan orang lain.
  • rezeki mengalir deras.
  • panglimunan(menghilang dari pandangan).
  • hajat mudah terkabul.
  • mahabah(menumbuhkan rasa cinta-simpati orang sekitar).
  • mengosongkan ilmu lawan.
  • mampu mengisi benda maupun orang lain.
  • ilmu pemagaran orang/rumah/toko/tambak.
  • mampu menundukkan seluruh jin.
  • intuisi semakin peka.
  • anti gendam/hipnotis.
  • Menyembuhkan diri sendiri
  • Menyembuhkan orang lain
  • Menyembuhkan orang gila / Stress
  • Menyembuhkan Santet , Guna-guna , Sihir , Teluh
  • Mendeteksi penyakit gaib
  • Mendeteksi Makhluk Halus
  • Mendeteksi isi pusaka
  • Mengambil isi pusaka
  • Mengambil ilmu orang lain / Melumpuhkan musuh
  • Menetralisir Tempat Angker
  • Memagari Rumah / Tempat Usaha
  • Mempertajam ilmu yang telah dikuasai
  • Mengisi Khodam ke benda-benda pusaka
  • Kontak dengan Makhluk Halus
  • Kuat Lahir Bathin
  • Mengisi Orang Lain
  • Jauh dari Kesialan Hidup
  • Kewibawaan , Karir , Kesaktian
  • Dicintai Sesama
  • Rukun Tentram Rumah Tangganya
  • Maju dalam segala Usahanya
  • Rezeki datang Mengalir dan Berkah
  • Ilmu ini bisa diturunkan ke Anak , Cucu / Orang lain
  • Selalu terbimbing keimananNya
  • dan masih banyak lagi termasuk semua materi diperguruan lain dijabarkan disini.


  • Mahar Pembekalan Pribadi Rp. 500.000.-Bonus Tasbeh Karomatul Ghoib
  • Mahar Pembekalan Program Mukasyafah mahar Rp. 3.000.000,-

    (Bisa memberikan pembekalan kepada orang lain)

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110 thoughts on “Maklumat Pembekalan Ilmu Induk Raja Khodam

    assalamualaikum wrbkt... mas, mohon no WHATSAPP lengkap dengan kod negara kerana saya amat berminat untuk mengetahui lanjut tentang pengisian khodam di atas itu...

    Maaf.... Untuk tranfer ilmu/ dr sana saja bisa g yaa??? Di karenakan saya lagi berada di tempat yg orang lain pasti gak mau menempati.... Jika ingin lebih jelas bisa di terawang saja langsung di mana saya berada. Nuhun. Nama : agus kriswanto

    halo , saya ingin memasang iklan di apa anda menyediakan space untuk iklan? jika anda menyediakannya , silahkan hubungi kami di [email protected] . terima kasih

    kenapa blognya tidak aktif lagi mas? padahal saya pengen baca baca lebih :)

    Saya ada niat untuk ikut.. Tp posisi saya di Surabaya... Bisa jarak jauh kan gus.. Untuk pembekalan

    asalam...saya minat sekali tp maaf maharnya saya kirim stlah ilmunya masuk /berhasil insa allah sy tranfr.

    Assalamua'laikum WrWb. Maaf Gus klo sudah du isi pembekalan pribadi,trus bs di isi pembekalan mukaayafah ga Gus?makasih

    Maaf gus pengisian ini instan nggeh? Langsung bisa komunikasi sama khodamnya termasuk komunikasi sama jin??mhn penjelasannya!!saya minat yg level tinggi!

    Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktuh Atas nama Allah SWT yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang dan shalawat serta salam untuk junjungan nabi besar Muhammad SAW Insyaallah sedulur semua diberikan Rahmat, Hidayat serta syafa'at, aaamiin yaa rabbal Mohon maaf sebelumnya, Gus saya mau tanya apakah benar dalam 30 menit bisa menguasai ilmu tersebut dan apakah benar sudah terbukti? Sekali lagi saya ucapkan mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya jika tutur kata dan bahasa saya menyinggung banyak pihak, mohon dimaklumi sedulur semua Terima kasih, Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktuh

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    In truth, contrary to in style belief that online dating is usually for people between the age groups of 18-30, a lot of older people and even senior citizens resort to online dating websites to search out suitable companions amongst 1000's of old singles. Whatever the development towards offering providers to these area of interest groups the general abstract of those websites servicing a wider audience is directly related to the demand from these explicit teams to attach and develop relationships. With households shrinking and relationships changing into distant, folks generally are likely to get isolated at an older age. Chances of people faking or telling lies on older courting websites are also a lot lesser and solely these people who are critical about relationship someone or having a relationship with someone their age frequent these websites or open their accounts on them. Some may charge you although, however in case you are serious about discovering someone then it might just be value it. It could be that they merely desired to look for a buddy, a trusted associate, or begin an informal relationship with none strings connected with someone of the similar mindset. Kids will start pondering in a brand new stream of consciousness with this simple kids' activity. The hyper-personal results must be averted: The second you begin feeling that your accomplice is not a stranger, even for those who guys are speaking for the very first time, it's best to look out for the 'hyper-personal' signal. So, if you're feeling a deep connection with someone, you've got already built an impression of your partner in your thoughts - the reason why most real first dates get ruined. Smoke-colored partitions, silvery velvet drapes, and a dark gray sisal carpet on the flooring of a new York condo affords the proprietor the feeling of dwelling on a cloud. A pair is a living organism that requires consideration, nurturing, and tension, so that it could possibly mature. Learning about online dating requires some effort in your half. If neither one has helped you discover a mate, then learning about online dating may be the best next step for you. Individuals may look very different in individual than they do on-line, so be ready for the preferences to change. Some may be pushed by loneliness and others might prefer to kindle a spark of enjoyable and excitement of their lives. At times, you have got one of the best expertise of your life and feel like never leaving that courting room. Would you want to understand how to turn your online dating profile proper right into a scorching chick magnet? If you're involved about meeting individuals having sure given traits, then you can design your profile in that method and the web sites will solely allow you to learn about peoples whose profile will match your selection. Most of these ill-supposed people do is that they seize their victims via a sympathy vote and they will share troublesome experiences until you open as much as them. Plus, these websites present a secure and reliable setting for older singles to share their ideas and look for partners who're much less frivolous. People tend to share personal info throughout their very first chat with other singles on a relationship site. Professional online dating businesses counsel you by no means talk about your personal life. Online dating sites designed for the elderly give them the a lot needed break from the monotony of a daily life. Don't expect to seek out your life companion with just a few mouse clicks. Anyone can study to write well sufficient to draw a companion. Keep yourself secure and anonymous until you are feeling that the particular person of your curiosity is worthy sufficient to study extra about you. Disappointments are frequent whenever you meet the precise particular person you met on-line. Two of the probably places to search out romance are [url=]charmdate review[/url] at school and at work. As well as questions to help you discover a very good character match, the service additionally asks if you'd like your carer to have a CRB verify, to drive, do manual dealing with and different extra traditional questions. There are a number of reasons that have led to this latest trend of older folks searching for mates, dates and even soul mates on courting websites. There really are hundreds of older folks wanting out for dates on the web. The thing about online dating is, the world of web matchmaking gives you access to an virtually limitless supply of potential partners, more than you may ever meet every other means. Additionally,these platforms present users with a really perfect platform for confidently partaking with these from another culture, as users can benefit from personal conversations and the ability to follow potential matches.

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